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[Video] Selectman Alison Genest is running for re-election in Dracut
“Dracut is in great shape right now and we need to make sure things stay on the right track,” Genest said in a video announcement. “We have strong leadership at town hall, town finances are in good condition and capital improvement projects are being tackled all over town. I’m running for re-election—and asking for your vote—to keep the positive momentum.”
See the full video.
About Alison Genest
Alison Genest is chairman of the Dracut Board of Selectmen.
A Dracut native from a farming family, Alison has 30 years of private-sector experience in financial services. She was elected to the board in 2020, topping the ticket in a five-candidate race.
As a Selectman, in collaboration with her colleagues and the town manager, Alison has worked to keep Dracut affordable, strengthen planning and oversight, and support the town’s police officers and firefighters.
As Chairman, Alison has earned a reputation for conducting Board of Selectmen’s meetings efficiently and professionally, with a warm and welcoming demeanor, while maintaining decorum and order.
She has proven to be a strong, independent and results-focused leader.
Alison is co-chair of the board's Economic Development subcommittee and Public Safety subcommittee. She previously served as the board's vice chair.
See Alison's full bio.
Meeting Information
The Dracut Board of Selectmen's page on the Town of Dracut website has the meeting agendas and other details.
Past Meetings
You can watch past meetings of The Dracut Board of Selectmen online.
See the Dracut Board of Selectmen's past meetings on DracutTV.org.
Alison Genest in the News
Lowell Sun: Dracut’s Alison Genest announces re-election bid
Incumbent Selectman Alison Genest has announced she is a candidate for re-election to the Board of Selectmen in the May 6 town election.
Lowell Sun: Dracut Town Meeting to take up annual budget, school complex project funding
“Town operations are fully funded for the fiscal year,” said Select Board Chair Alison Genest. “Town Manager Ann Vandal and Finance Director Victor Garofalo have done a great job of doing everything we can with what we have.”
Lowell Sun: Dracut board welcomes new faces
"The board chose to go with a newcomer for the vice chair role, electing Selectman Alison Genest, who will take the reins from Selectman Tony Archinski."
See all the News items about Alison Genest.